” Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Ngongotaha te maunga
Ko Te Rotorua-nui-a-Kahumatamomoe te roto
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tenā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
Haere mai ki Western Heights Health Centre “
Welcome to Western Heights Health Centre
Our mission is to work together to promote, protect and restore health.
Our team is made up of practice nurses, community nurses, social workers, administrators, doctors and nurse practitioners.
We work closely with the Kia Puawai (Tipu Ora – Manaaki Ora) Western Heights child health programme. This service is located in the community house which offers a Justice of the Peace service, a community law clinic and organises regular activities for the wider community.
Latest Updates
- COVID-19 Update
Kia ora koutou,
Following the annoucement of a positive COVID case in Rotorua on Sunday 14/11/21, we have moved into the DHB’s “orange” framework. This means that will be trying to see more patients by phone or video consult, to try and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Please keep making appointments if you are feeling māuiui and we will help pick the right option for you.
In the meantime, keep wearing those masks, get vaccinated and look after yourselves 🙂
Ngā mihi
P.S. Check out our facebook for up to date locations of where you can get vaccinated!
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Phone: (07) 347 0565
Fax: (07) 347 0564
Email: whhc@raphs.org.nz
Cornerstone Accredited Practice